Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bucks County, Pennsylvania

We’ve got “40 Days for Life” protesters in addition to the regulars. Most of the protesters are peaceful, but there’s one with a bullhorn who verbally harasses our escorts and patients.

As our patients get out of their cars, they’re greeted by our invaluable escorts, who guide them into our health center and help them feel safe. However, it’s difficult to protect our patients from the protesters who shout at them with a bullhorn. The harassment goes way beyond demonstrating one’s opinion — it’s abusive and disrespectful.

We need to continue to serve our communities, as comprehensive reproductive health care providers. We’re here to ensure that our community receives quality reproductive health care and information, including annual exams, sexually transmitted infection testing and treatment, and counseling. We do a lot more than the protesters think we do!

Stand UP against the protesters! Stand UP for our rights! Stand UP for reproductive health!

Protesters: 48

I am Emily X.

I am Planned Parenthood.


Ruth Z Deming said...

Hi Emily,

I was helped tremendously by Planned Parenthood during my younger years and that includes counseling on an unwanted pregnancy.

Your services are invaluable! I shall send you a donation today, Emily.

Ruth Z Deming at

Phez said...

Yeah I wish I was on your journey right now. I can't believe that the Senate approved that $50 million for abstinence-only ed. Lets hope that fails. Wow, its unbelievable with all the research. Did people forget what it was like to be a hormone filled teen? man... thanks for your work. I support everything you do :)

Unknown said...

I don't have a lot of spare cash right now EmilyX, but I'm with you in spirit and want you to know how much I appreciate your work on the front lines. You've got my 5 cents/protestor pledge. I also posted your blog to my Facebook page. Hope my little bit helps.

Lisa Mason said...

Every year around this time, I go for my annual "well woman " visit. I donot have health insurance, so I go to a "family planning clinic" And of course, every year the 40 days of life protesters are outside. They look at me as I drive in and hold up their signs. They do not know me. They do not know why I am there. I asked one of the nurses last year how they handle it. She said they have to keep a specific distance away from the front doors. So they stay at the edge of the parking lot along the highway. But there are other offices in with the clinic. So do they not realize they are potentially hurting other businesses besides the clinic? Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but I dont agree that should be keeping women from receiving the healthcare they need. I am not bothered . I am 39 years old and nobody is going to scare me away from getting the healthcare I need. But I think of the young girls(most of whom are there for just for affordable birth control or an annual exam) and think what if they are frightened off by these people? what if some of these girls stay away because of them?

Julia said...

This is ingenious! I am definitely going to pledge a protester. Also- just a thought, is there anything POSITIVE that we can do to counteract the aggressive protesters at sites like Bucks County- I only have to endure relatively passive protesters at my local PP- I could not imagine ones like those you describe.

I was thinking- maybe there could be a pamphlet stating the myths (that protesters use) and facts about PP (ex- how it doesn't profit off of abortions) and this could be made available to patients that come to visit.

Gerald said...

I support planned parenthood. These short-sighted protesters only see one issue. They are too fanatical to see that so many who come for health care need it desperately. Most don't have health care insurance.

Katherine said...

I used Planned Parenthood for years as my only health care. As you say, I think most of the protesters don't know what Planned Parenthood really does. Without Planned Parenthood, I wouldn't have had breast screenings or pap smears until I finally got health insurance when I was thirty. Because of Planned Parenthood, I remained healthy, got birth control counseling when I was married, had three healthy pregnancies, and now I have three healthy, beautiful daughters. I have gone to other clinics, but Planned Parenthood was by far the best care I ever received from health care professionals, and I have been a strong supporter ever since. Thank you for all you do.


P.S. I never had to have an abortion, and I thank Planned Parenthood for that, too.

Renee said...

I consider myself lucky. In all my experiences as a volunteer for both PPFA and NARAL Pro-Choice America, I have never encountered a protester.
I was a part of a mass protest against George Bush coming to help elect Norm Coleman in Minneapolis MN to the Senate and even though Coleman was elected, I was glad to be on the front lines confronting the police on their horses against those who would dismantle all abortion rights.

Unknown said...

When are we really going to start fighting back the way they fight at us. It seems they know we are scared. And yet they are kinda using our tactics.

Allison said...

I've been going to Planned Parenthood on and off for 10 years now, and NOT ONCE have I received abortion services. I am FURIOUS with the type of protesters who assume PP clients are irresponsible, promiscuous baby-killers. There is nothing Christian or spiritual about harassing someone with a bull-horn! I certainly wouldn't show up at their place of worship with a bull-horn and harass them for narrow-mindedly profiling all PP clients as abortion seekers. Enough is enough!

cameron said...

The guy with the bullhorn needs to be arrested.

Janet Perry said...

I escorted my friend into an office where she was having a biopsy performed. This office also housed a doctor who performed abortions. My friend asked two of us to help her get through the crowd. I was appalled... We tried to tell the protesters that she was getting other work done... They were so worked up, they couldn't hear us... I had to use my body as a shield that day... I'm 50 now... that'd be a bit harder... I can't believe women still need protection from these misinformed, ignorant, zealots. Good work Emily X!!!

AnnaBell said...

Bullhorns? It doesn't surprise me, but it does sadden me. To think that some would take such abusive measures simply because they think Planned Parenthood is 'immoral'. I don't think that at all. Planned Parenthood is something we need.

Joreth said...

A friend of mine says he volunteers to be an escort for women seeking abortions, to assist them in getting into the clinic and through any gauntlets of protestors.

I'd like to volunteer to do this too, but I'm in a different state and I don't even know where to start looking for a program like this. Can you help?

Unknown said...

I used to protest at "abortion clinics." I was 16, a virgin, and had no idea how many necessary health services they provided. I also didn't realize fact that making abortion illegal does not mean an end to unwanted pregnancies.

Planned Parenthood saves women's lives, both literally and figuratively.

At 16 I was slightly brainwashed and clueless about the real world. Now at 27, I can't thank all of the wonderful people at Planned Parenthood enough! You provide NECESSARY, affordable, and quality care for women all over the world.

kimberleenc said...

Awesome program, awesome work positively impacting the rights of women to choose and make the choices that they need to. I love that this is not a campaign against, but actually capturing funding and pivoting what would otherwise be negative into honoring the diversity of choice and allowing Emily to have the information and services to make decisions that support her life.

Sheryl said...

Emily, I think this plan is wonderful! I am an ex-volunteer and I spent many many long hours as an escort & I can tell you first hand how ugly these protesters can be! I've been taunted, threatened and told that I'm "going to Hell". These protesters didn't know or care that I am a christian... I just happen to be a very PRO-CHOICE christian! You ROCK, and please keep up the good work!

Unknown said...

sorry you and other's are experiencing this, stay strong and focused on reality, what you're doing, thanks for being real. stu

The Short Coat said...

Julia...I love the pamphlet idea! Someone should pass this on to PP. I used to volunteer as well as an escort, and the misinformation that the protestors would give was awful.

Unknown said...

I recently found a contest where if you share your story of the story of someone close to you (so it can be anonymous if you wish) you could win a $10,000 donation to Planned Parenthood. I am going to enter to try and get that donation but the more people that enter the better chance we have- and 2nd place gets $5,000 so we could get $15,000 for Planned Parenthood. Here is a link to the contest!