85 people wasting their time and energy harassing people when they could instead be educating others about contraception and safer sex. Backwards and hateful people!
Tuesday November 3 was my last official day blogging and videotaping the anti-choice "40 Days for Life" campaign. I'm so proud to say that the 1,034 protesters I encountered allowed us to raise more than $56,000 for Planned Parenthood Federation of America and the women our health centers serve — but only if pledges are fulfilled! Please click here to fulfill your pledge today.
We have collected the stories of our staff and activists and presented them as the blog entries of Emily X. Some entries are verbatim words written by staff. Other entries were written by us based on stories we heard.
Emily X serves as a reminder to the pro-choice community of the harassment and intimidation practiced by opponents of women's health. Emily X was triggered by and focuses on the anti-choice "40 Days for Life" protests, targeting Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers around the country. This year, the protests are taking place September 23 through November 1, 2009.
85 people wasting their time and energy harassing people when they could instead be educating others about contraception and safer sex. Backwards and hateful people!
I can't believe they are allowed to block the street. I can't imagine having to walk through that to get medical care.
I just can't imagine.
Don't these people have jobs! Or a LIFE OF THEIR OWN! I, too, can't believe it's legal to block the street like that. What awful, hateful people.
I wonder if a group wanted to protest the teachings of the Catholic Church if they would be given permits to block to road to a church on Sunday.
Or if Scientologists wanted to block the road to the emergency room because they don't believe in using medical care if they would be given a permit.
Not that I think these things ought to be done, but just that I think it's crazy that protesters are allowed to *block* access to a medical clinic.
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