Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Escorting Is Customer Service

Houston, Texas: I was asked by a client's husband why we have "parking attendants," when we offer free parking.

I told him that we weren’t here to help with parking, but that we were escorts for people walking past the protesters. We alert people in the parking lot that protesters are present so they aren’t caught off guard.

He thanked me and said it was nice that we offer that level of customer service, that too few organizations care about clients these days.

He’s right. It is customer service.

We’re not here to battle the protesters or deny them their right to free speech. At Planned Parenthood, we value diverse opinions and perspectives. We believe that everyone must be treated with respect and allowed the opportunity to access health care without judgment or harassment.

We’re outside, greeting and escorting clients past protesters, to show them that we care. It’s truly the first sign of good customer service for our clients. And it’s a way to ensure that clients are treated with respect and dignity.

It’s a reason that Planned Parenthood has been a trusted community health care provider in southeast Texas for almost 75 years.

Protesters: 150

I am Emily X.

I am Planned Parenthood.


Rani Brawner said...

I am actually a frequent patient of the PP off Fannin in Houston. I have encountered the protesters many times. I wanted to thank you, and all the other wonderful women at Planned Parenthood, for not letting these narrow minded people keep you down.

bitter almond said...

I, too, have received healthcare at PP Houston off Fannin. Thank you for all the good work you do, and thank you for making client comfort and safety such a high priority.