Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's my job to walk women into our clinic

It's the same protesters every Wednesday. They show up in the mornings, when most of our patients coming for abortions arrive. It’s my job to walk with our patients from their cars and make sure that they get through our doors safely. When we walk in together, they tell our patients that Planned Parenthood is not a medical facility and not to take anything we give them. No matter how many times I hear it, it always makes me angry. Our clinic is a great medical facility, and every woman I bring through our doors will be treated with dignity, respect and the best care possible.

Protesters: 4

I am Emily X.

I am Planned Parenthood.


FEMily! said...

You have a very important job. Out of all the people in this country, it's the people working for Planned Parenthood, not the anti-choicers outside the Planned Parenthood, that have the highest regard for women's welfare. Thank you.

just anonymous said...

How about providing blind folds and ear phones for your patients. You are walking them in anyway... You can guide them in. Maybe even carrying a large umbrella???

formerteacher said...

That is a great thing that you do! When I had my abortion many years ago, there was a priest holding up his Bible or something, and it's a scary thing. You would not believe what I was told. I would have felt so much better having someone walk in with me. I will tell you that I have never met a more supportive and kind group of women than in that clinic. I still remember them, and wish that all doctors offices were that way!
ALso, a good friend of mine went in to terminate her pregnancy, and she ended up in one of those fake 'clinics' where the pro-lifers show disgusting pictures to try and intimidate women into not aborting. I call what they do terrorism. Home-grown terrorists. Keep doing what you are doing. Many womens' lives are better because of people like you!!!

Jane Know said...

Thank you for your work in this very important healthcare area. Without Planned Parenthood, a lot of women would have nowhere else to go.

Leah said...

Planned Parenthood and its employees and volunteers are awesome. Your bravery in dealing with these protesters and helping patients is something to be proud of. Thanks for all that you do!

sweetashof86 said...

that is the most important thing to have at ANY clinic that offers abortions. i had an abortion in dallas tx and my friend took me and we had to not only park across the street make a grand entrance to the premise but we had to deal with onlookers AND protesters.. the things they shouted were horrible i just sucked it up and walked but waiting for the clinic to unlock the doors after we had rung the doorbell was the worst part. my friend was trying to stay calm but she ended up losing it when they started calling me a murderer.. shortly after i arrived the police were sent out because a lady and the man she brought that arrived after i had, had an altercation with the protesters when they got physical with the woman and the man lost it.. that is a scary job and i'm thankful for people like you even tho not every place has that they should i wish it was offered where i had been.

God Righteous vs. Self Righteous said...

My body is my body, and I enjoy getting my health care in a setting where people respect that. As a believer in preserving life, and one who has regreted past abortions, I am not pro-abortion. But, I am and shall always be pro-humanity, and that means that everyone has the right to choose the actions that best fit thier situation. It's thier body, thier life, and thier right!