Monday, October 8, 2007

Live! From New York!

I've been in Nanuet, NY for three hours.

The clinic here organized a rally during rush hour on a busy street corner. A couple of us Planned Parenthood types were sitting in the car when the ringleader from the other side walked towards us carrying a sign reading "abortion causes breast cancer." (It doesn't, of course.) She circled the car, tapped at the window and yelled at us. If that isn't harassment, then I don't know what is.

By the time I headed out to the rally, there were more than 30 Planned Parenthood supporters there. The best part of the day was when these families would get past the anti-choice signs and see the mass of clinic supporters and you could see their facial expression change from one of horror to one of relief. Most gave us a smile or a nod. Some gave us a honk, others a thumbs-up. and one yelled "thank god you are here!"

Protesters: 15

I am Emily X.

I am Planned Parenthood.


Unknown said...

thanks for doing the tough work, know that you have many more supporters who are sensible human beings who arent obsessed with control of other's lives

hazel13990 said...

My name is Emily too, and I live in northern michigan. I am the co president of Vox: voices for planned parenthood at our community college and last weekend there were about 75 pro lifers holding signs along the road. We knew they were going to be there, so we got 15 of our group members and friends to comeout and hold signs. we walked to the center of their protest along the road and set up shop. i know those looks of relief you speak if, i know those proud thumbs up, and i know the look in people eyes as they drive by and lip thank you through their windows.

i just wanted to say that i love this website, i think you and everyone else who gets up every day and works to give women safe and accurate help rules. thank you so much.

Kristine said...

I work with an organization on a college campus that works very closely with our local Planned Parenthood. Last April we had a protest that I didn't attend because I was pregnant and afraid of "the other side." Funny how they call themselves "Pro-life" - but many Pro-Choice advocates fear for OUR LIVES because of the tactics they use.

kellyg said...

Thank you, thank you! You are so brave! Thank you for the great work you do! Women every where need you! I am an RN in an ER and I wouldn't be where I am today with out the help of PP. I had an abortion 6 years ago. It was the hardest choice I ever had to make, but it was also the best one. My then fiance, now my husband promised we would have more babies and we did,I have two beautiful daughters! I have these amazing children because I had a choice to do what was right for my family at the time. I refer patients to PP in secret because I work for a catholic hospital. Keep up the good work!

Jen R. said...

I use to work at PPHP years ago and I can't believe how you guys were treated. You don't know how sad it makes me. I remember one or two protesters showing up in White Plains or near the Spring Valley office but never saw a huge protest like what you described. It makes me sad that this is what is going on back in NY.
Keep up the fight and I pray you all stay safe as you continue to help all the women the NY area.