Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Some people can’t believe I’m a minister and a Planned Parenthood supporter

I’m a volunteer escort at my local Planned Parenthood center. I’m also a minister. And it upsets me that protesters at the clinics hold signs that say terrible things about Planned Parenthood, shout horrible things to intimidate women, and tell the patients, “You don’t want to go in there.” One day, while a young couple left the clinic and walked to one of the parking lots, the protesters screamed at her. When they got to their car, the woman didn’t get in. She stood by it, crying for a long time. The man tried to comfort her. She just stood there sobbing. No one should have had to listen to those words.

Some people in Texas can’t believe that I’m a minister and I support Planned Parenthood. But to me, it’s simple. If religious folks really want to do something for women in our area, they should support family planning clinics. They should want every child to be a wanted child. They should want proper medical care for all families — even those who can’t afford it. And they should want the young woman crying beside her car to feel safe and supported.

That why I’m always so happy to see young women like Jeannie and Mayra who you heard from yesterday. Like me, they are clinic escorts, they are religious, and they are proud to volunteer for Planned Parenthood.

Protesters: 8

I am Emily X.

I am Planned Parenthood.


Eden Riley said...

THANK YOU for highlighting the religious pro-choice voice! I'm a pro-choice Catholic and I whole-heartedly support the work Planned Parenthood does.

VindictiveVixen said...

I don't know where this notion came from that all Planned Parenthood supporters are Godless heathens. I am a Christian, a practicing one at that and I support Planned Parenthood and everything it stands for(healthcare, choice, safety). I am soooo glad that you are a minister who agrees with me. I wish my own minister did.

Too_Lively said...

You are an amazing religious leader because you actually do something to help others instead of judging others.

MyBodyMyChoice said...

I am a Christian who supports Planned Parenthood, too. I was proud the day my church's building was used as a meeting area for Planned Parenthood and NARAL supporters for a Pro-Choice Rally Day. (My church is a few blocks from a state capitol building.) Sometimes I wonder who the God is that some of these protestors pray to. It's not the God I know, that's for sure.

t_cole said...

Thank you for doing what you do. and for the Christian example you set.

Gordon said...

what denomination of minister are you?

crowepps said...

Thank you for demonstrating to the clients and staff that God's love is all inclusive. Many women have literally had their lives saved through the services Planned Parenthood provides, and that is a blessing not just for them but also for their parents, husbands and children. The denegration, devaluing and hatred of women does not reflect God's love and is not a family value, since there wouldn't be any family without that woman.

addie said...

thank you.